Almost gone

Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001

Almost done... Main Body has started, we've been getting flights for a week now. Station population is some number I don't want to think about and the galley is frightening. I've been bumped back and bumped forward, and now they're telling me I'm leaving tomorrow. Aaa! I've gotten to do some very brief turnover with the summer staff. Now I need to clean my room before the Housing people inspect it and send a note to my Mom. (just kidding, Mom)

Once I'm out of here, I get to walk on grass... stay outside without a coat on.... eat sushi... all kinds of things. I did find out that it's been above freezing since I've been here, +3C on Feb 12, so I can't say I've been below freezing the whole year. Darn.

I'm going to spend time in a few different warm places and expect to be back in the States in early Spring. April maybe. Could you guys keep it together until then? I've been avoiding the news but I gather we're bombing somebody.

Best to all,


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