Buddha rubble

Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002

I'm in Ayutthaya just north of Bangkok, wandering around temple ruins. This was the capitol of Thailand for a few hundred years until the Burmese squished them flat in the 18th century. It's quiet but spooky now, the temples have zillions of headless and armless Buddha statues and occasional piles of Buddha rubble. Seems like there's some feeling that Buddhas should have heads because many of them have odd bits of rock, elbows, etc sitting on top of their shoulders. I took lots of pictures.

I spent some time in Bangkok, which is crowded and polluted but still fun. The three-wheeled tuktuk taxis do things in traffic that boggle the Western mind, not to mention the motorbike taxis - I've seen two adults and three children on one bike, cutting between lanes. I also spent some time down south, the diving was great but I'm not much of a beach bunny. I'm planning to check out the northern hill country and then move along. Thailand is fascinating but also very hot and my internal thermostat is resisting change. I'm glad this is the cool dry season.

Smooches all round,


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